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Announcing Tabnet

On Thursday, 3 February 2022 we are welcoming Christophe Regouby to RBelgium during an online meetup! https://www.meetup.com/RBelgium/events/282452150/

Christophe will present us: The tabnet R package, or how to outperform XGBoost and LightGBM on tabular data, relying on torch. Google’s TabNet is a state of the art modeling architecture for tabular data that enables interpretability and performance (see paper).

R users interested in how they can build deep learning tools on top of the recent torch R package (which interfaces to the C++ libtorch library) will probably also be interested in this. The tabnet package is one of the packages part of the mlverse ecosystem.

If you want to learn about TabNet, torch and self-supervised learning, join us online at https://www.meetup.com/RBelgium/events/282452150/ The online session is held on 2022-02-03 between 19h and 20h30 CET. All open and free of course.

About Christophe

Christophe Regouby is a Data-scientist at Airbus’ core AI team. He typically works on Document AI, NLP and data-visualization. Open source projects of him can be found at https://github.com/cregouby

See you soon!

You can be kept up to date with upcoming RBelgium meetups at https://www.meetup.com/RBelgium.

If you have topics to cover, feel free to contact one of us through Meetup and we will be happy to host it.